
Reaction from Norwood Residents to the Projected Presidential Election Results

Dr. Rohit Reddy, a fourth year, neurology resident at Montefiore Medical Center and Elizabeth Parks, a medical student.
Photo by Síle Moloney

Following reports on Saturday, Nov. 7, by various media outlets, on both sides of the political divide, that former Vice President Joe Biden was the projected winner of the 2020 presidential election, we asked residents in Norwood for their reaction to the news.


Dr. Rohit Reddy is a fourth year neurology resident at Montefiore Medical Center. He said he was just really happy that Biden won. “As a health care worker, it’s really awesome that someone who actually has a plan about dealing with the pandemic, and actually respects healthcare workers, is actually going to take office next year,” he said.


When asked what he thinks Biden will do differently to get a handle on the pandemic, he said, “I think he’s just more prepared. He actually will listen to people like [Dr.] Anthony Fauci when he gives them advice, instead of just dismissing them, and he actually respects the work that healthcare workers and doctors do on the front line.”


Reddy added, “That, alone, is enough for me to vote for him, and I did.”


Elizabeth Parks is a medical student and she said she agreed with Reddy’s comments.

Sami Abdullah (right) and his wife and children live in Norwood. Abdullah said he is a green card resident and his family are American citizens.
Photo by Síle Moloney

Meanwhile, Sami Abdullah is a green card holder and Norwood resident, whose family are American citizens. “Now, we have the president, we hope that he will represent the real, I mean….Americans in a good way,” he said.  “And, we’re really hoping – I don’t know how to say it – but let’s say, we are hoping, all of us, we have a big faith in him, and let’s just hope the good things, in a good way,” he added.


In Williamsbridge Oval Park, there was a sense of calm tranquility as families, kids and residents relaxed in the welcome November sunshine. Park police were seen patrolling in a vehicle around Williamsbridge Oval Park, perhaps anticipating some protests to erupt, but none were witnessed or reported, to our knowledge.

Norwood resident, Katherine Lopez, said President-Elect Joe Biden should be given a chance to prove himself. 
Photo by Síle Moloney

Katherine Lopez also lives in Norwood. When asked for her reaction to the election results, she said, “I mean, I don’t know. Is this true? Is it?”


In response to confirmation of the latest available vote tally and projections, she said, “Well, I mean, I guess, you know, it’s good for a new opportunity for someone else. I know he [Biden]’s been in the administration but he was not president.” Lopez took a different view from those who are critical of Biden and who say he has been in politics for many years, but in their view, has not accomplished that much.


She compared the relationship between voters and the president to that of a new contractor and an established company, equating Biden’s election to him being hired by a company to carry out a specific task.


She said people should be given a chance at the beginning and not start blaming everything on the newcomer. “How could it be your fault? You just got here, you know?” she said. “Something was going on before you got here, you know.”


She added that if they counted every vote, and people went out and voted and they wanted Trump out, then, that outcome had to be respected. “I feel like we have to respect whoever goes in office,” she said. “I mean, that’s the American way, you know. We have that freedom of right, and, I feel, I’m glad with the results: whoever won, won. [They] counted all the votes, didn’t count them – whoever they say won has won. We had days waiting for this.”

Kareem Tucker said he, himself, did not experience the economic benefits of the Trump administration, prior to the pandemic.
Photo by Síle Moloney

Kareem Tucker, 44, also a Norwood resident, said he too was happy with the projected Biden win. “My view on the presidential election – I’m glad that Biden won,” he said. “You know, it’s time for a change. Trump is not for the people. He’s about.. for himself and the big corporations, and taking care of those, and not us minorities and immigrants who built this country.”


The Trump administration assert that, before the pandemic hit, the country had been doing well economically, and that African-Americans were fairing better financially, on average, under the current administration than they had been previously. We asked Tucker if that had been his experience.


“No, that did not add right there,” he said. “You know, even before the pandemic, we were still suffering, and the pandemic made it even worse.”

Ronaldo Arcentales and his dad, Julio Arcentales, are Ecuadorian-American. Julio said he was glad that former Vice President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election as he hopes it will bring about some peace.  
Photo by Síle Moloney

Along Perry Avenue, on Saturday afternoon, one Spanish-speaking painter could be heard through an open window joyfully singing in Spanish to some lively music, as he went about his work.


Norwood residents, Ronaldo Arcentales and his dad, Julio Arcentales, are Ecuadorian-American. Ronaldo plays soccer and said his parents named him after Ronaldo Luís Nazário de Lima, the famous Brazilian soccer player.


Julio said he was glad that Biden won the 2020 presidential election. “I’m really happy about the victory of Biden,” he said, adding that he thinks once Biden gets into the White House, there will probably be some kind of peace in the country.


“I really believe that we need peace in this country right now because everybody was, like, mad – Black people were mad, Indian people were mad, Spanish people were mad,” he said. “This president was trying to get everybody into a fight.”

Luis Ospina is originally from Cali, Columbia but has lived in the United States for about thirty years.
Photo by Síle Moloney

Luis Ospina is originally from the city of Cali in Columbia and has lived in the United States for about thirty years. Speaking in Spanish, he told the Norwood News, “I am very happy that he won, Joe Biden, and I think, really, he deserved it with the things that he plans to do for the future of the United States, this great nation,” he said.


“He will lift up this country again as it once was, and unify the Democratic and Republican political parties of this nation, and unify everything.”


Ospino added that President Donald Trump wasn’t promising that much. “Not many good things,” he said. “And the people were a bit… lately, they didn’t want him to be president. This is why Joe Biden won with so many, many votes,” he said.


He added, “And, I know that with the help of God, this Mr/President Biden is going to bring back a lot of job opportunities to the United States, as the biggest economy in the whole world, and here, we will live happily and peacefully again with Joe Biden.”



Welcome to the Norwood News, a bi-weekly community newspaper that primarily serves the northwest Bronx communities of Norwood, Bedford Park, Fordham and University Heights. Through our Breaking Bronx blog, we focus on news and information for those neighborhoods, but aim to cover as much Bronx-related news as possible. Founded in 1988 by Mosholu Preservation Corporation, a not-for-profit affiliate of Montefiore Medical Center, the Norwood News began as a monthly and grew to a bi-weekly in 1994. In September 2003 the paper expanded to cover University Heights and now covers all the neighborhoods of Community District 7. The Norwood News exists to foster communication among citizens and organizations and to be a tool for neighborhood development efforts. The Norwood News runs the Bronx Youth Journalism Heard, a journalism training program for Bronx high school students. As you navigate this website, please let us know if you discover any glitches or if you have any suggestions. We’d love to hear from you. You can send e-mails to or call us anytime (718) 324-4998.

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